
Loving God & Loving People


Loving God & Loving People

A community of Jesus Christ's followers who strive,
through the power of the Holy Spirit,
to love God and the diverse people of St. Louis,
for the flourishing of our city and the glory of God.

We Worship


Join us at our new building:
3035 Washington Ave. St. Louis, MO 63103

 We Believe

 God loved us first.
We have not loved God.
God came, in Jesus, to love us.
We live to love him with heart, mind, spirit and strength.

We Serve

God loves us, so we must love one another.

Ways that we serve one another:

Community Groups
Youth and Family Ministry
College Ministry to Harris-Stowe State University and St. Louis University
Oasis International - Ministry to refugees
Carver/Renaissance neighborhood
Cush Christian School - South Sudan

We look forward to meeting you.

Pastor Mark Tucker: 314-680-3670, maltucker@gmail.com
Pastor Aaron Turner: 410-790-7353, christismyexample@gmail.com
Administrator: Lauren Kofron, midtownchurchstl@gmail.com 
Operations Coordinator: Merlin Whitman, midtownchurchstl@gmail.com
Music Director: Andy Malkus, amalkus@gmail.com